Friday, November 2, 2012

Hi-maize Resistant Starch

I use Hi Maize Resistant Starch in recipes that call for flour.  If the recipe calls for a cup of flour, I will substitute 1/4 of the flour with Hi-Maize Resistant Starch. This cuts the calories and GI of the item as well as reduce the glycemic load and it increases the fiber.

Honeyville's Hi-Maize Resistant Starch is a starch that can be used to increase the nutritional value of the foods you love. Hi-Maize 260 can be added to almost any food without changing the taste or appearance. Just 15 grams of Hi-Maize contains 9 grams of dietary fiber, which is twice as much fiber contained in 1 cup of oatmeal. Hi-Maize gets its natural dietary fiber from corn. Honeyville Hi-Maize Resistant Starch is an ideal product for your baking needs.

Shelf-Life:  Hi-Maize Resistant Starch will store for 1 year in a sealed 5 pound bag under ideal storage conditions (cool, dry place).

Instructions:  Replace about 10% to 25% of the flour the recipe requires with Hi-Maize Resistant Starch.

Uses:  Hi-Maize Resistant Starch is used to improve the nutritional value of products, including cookies, pancakes, smoothies, cereals and more

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